=rTr= Discord Server

Revision as of 18:17, 26 March 2016 by Miikee (Talk | contribs)

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Server Name: =rTr= TEAMSPEAK
Max Players: 256
IP: ts.righttorebel.net

Server Rules

R01. Violation of our rules may result in a kick or ban without warning or explanation.

R02. Disrespect or trolling our Admins, =rTr= or any other person(s) in any manner will result in an immediate ban from our TeamSpeak.

R03. Trash talk and insults are allowed within reason; However, DO NOT be overly vulgar, insulting or disrespectful.

R04. Refrain from political, religious and/or sexual conversations in TeamSpeak. Unwelcome and/or unwarranted sexual comments directed towards female users will result in an immediate ban and (if an =rTr= member) discharge from the community.

R05. Offensive or vulgar names will not be allowed.

R06. Actions disruptive to the harmony and/or population of the server will not be tolerated. This includes excessive music, soundboard clips and/or voice modifying programs.

R07. No recruiting for other clans, game servers or voip programs (teamspeak, mumble, ventrilo, etc…) is allowed in the =rTr= Teamspeak.

R08. =rTr= is an American server. Please use English only.

R09. Recording of =rTr= TeamSpeak channels for public or private use is prohibited unless approved in writing by a member of JCS. Community meetings and training sessions are the only exception.

R10. Absolutely no discussions regarding bans, kicks or admin'ing practices will be held with users outside of the =rTr= community in TeamSpeak (or in-game). The only allowable discourse is to advise the person to either file a ban appeal and/or file a complaint on the website.

R11. DO NOT poke or open text chats with other TeamSpeak users for matters you should have put in a PAF for. Violation of this rule will result in a loss of poke/chat privileges.

R12. Respect others use of TeamSpeak. Do not jump into a game channel and start yacking about non-game related issues. There are chit-chat and general channels for those types of conversations. Keep the game channels predominantly about gaming or find another channel to talk in.

R13. It is required when you join teamspeak that your teamspeak name matches your in-game name.


[SOP: How to Appeal Ban]

Server Change Log

Server Change [01/01/2016]

  • Change description

Server Change [01/01/2016]

  • Change description